The loan application process at OBC bank starts with applicants checking their eligibility criteria. This is followed by document requirements and lastly the loan application.

What are the eligibility criteria for an OBC bank loan?

Age – As per the loan applied for and the terms of the bank

Income –

  • Doctors should earn a minimum annual salary of Rs.4 lakh or above.
  • Salaried individuals should earn a minimum monthly salary of Rs.30,000

Credit score – Above 750

Residential Status - Resident of India

What documents are required for the OBC bank loan application?

Here are some of the documents required to apply for a loan with OBC bank:

  • Identity proof (anyone): Passport, Aadhaar, Voter Identity Card, Driving License, Aadhaar Card, etc.
  • Address proof (any one): Ration Card, Bank Account Statement, Passport, Driving License, Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill, Sale Deed/Property purchase agreement (for owned properties), Aadhaar Card, etc.
  • Income proof: Bank Account Statement, Salary Slips, etc.

Recommended read – OBC bank personal loan eligibility

How to apply for a loan at OBC bank?

The step-by-step procedure to get a personal loan online from PNB is mentioned below:

  • Visit the official website of OBC bank or PNB bank or contact the nearest bank branch.
  • Fill personal, professional and financial information in the application form before submitting
  • After submission of the application form, OBC bank will check eligibility and provide the applicant with information about the eligible amount that can be availed.
  • Post this, one must submit the essential documents. These can also be uploaded online.
  • Finally, the documents will be processed by OBC bank and on successful approval of the loan, the funds will be disbursed to the applicant’s OBC bank account.

OBC bank is known to offer loans at reasonable interest rates and flexible terms. Follow the above-mentioned easy steps to avail of a loan from OBC bank.