A high CIBILTM score is essential to indicate that you have a good financial credibility. A good CIBILTM  score provides you with lots of benefits. The CIBILTM  score of any individual is highly prone to getting affected by various factors. So, in order to maintain these factors, individuals start worrying about anything and everything that is related to CIBILTMEfforts are wasted when people start focusing more on those factors that are unimportant than the actual parameters that make a difference. For this reason, we should know about factors that do not affect your CIBILTM score. Let us read on to find out. Before that, let us also understand what a CIBILTM score is? 

What Is A CIBIL™ score? 

A CIBILTM score is a 3-digit number in the range of 300 to 900. This number indicates the creditworthiness of an individual. A high score shows that the person handles his credit very well and has great financial discipline. A low score shows to lenders that the person is poor at handling credit. An ideal credit score lies between 750-900. This number is a good measure of a consumer’s repayment ability. 

The below table shows what Credit score ranges mean

Credit rating





  • Have to work on improving the credit score
  • Low creditworthiness
  • Higher interest rates
  • No  lenders



  • Take steps to improve the credit score
  • Low creditworthiness.
  • Higher interest rates
  • Few lenders



  • Better interest rates
  • Most lenders will be willing to lend


  • Fair creditworthiness. 
  • Can still work to improve the score



  • Highly creditworthy,
  • Low-interest rates
  • All lenders available
  • Quicker loan approval

Factors That Do Not Affect Your CIBIL ™ Score 


  • Your Investment Schemes And Account Balance: Your credit information report only contains details related to your loan and credit card. It has nothing to do with how many policies you have purchased, how many FDs you have, or the amount present in your account. So, taking so many policies will not affect your CIBIL ™ score. 


  • Bounced or stop payment cheques - A bounced or ‘stop payment’ cheque will not impact your CIBILTM  score negatively. These things are not considered when the company computes your CIBILTM score. Although delayed and bounced payments get reported directly to CIBILTM, it does not affect your score. Your bounced cheques are not a part of your credit report and thus, they have almost Nil impact on your CIBILTM score unless the cheque is related to any loan installment or repayment. 


  • Accounts That Are Not Operative Or More Savings Accounts - Most of us will have two or more bank accounts for convenience. If you have an inoperative bank account with negative balance, then it is not going to affect your CIBILTM score in any way. CIBILTM does not monitor the number of savings operative accounts and negative balances. So, inoperative accounts are not featured while computing your CIBILTM score. However, you should close all inoperative accounts to improve your financial standing. 


  • Debit Card Transactions: The transactions that you do using your debit card will not have an impact on the CIBILTM  score. This is because CIBILTM  records only your credit card activities. 


  • Your change in Income: The change in income does not affect your CIBILTM score. Some people have the misconception that CIBILTM tracks how much you are earning and how much you are spending. But, CIBILTM does not care about this. It is bothered only about your credit status. Change in income will affect your spending capacity. You must spend according to the income earned. Else, this might affect your repayment capacity in case you have loan EMIs or credit card bills. 


  • Your demographics: Your credit reports contain personal information such as name, age, phone number etc. But, a change in these factors does not affect your credit score. The personal information in your CIBILTM  score is limited to name, contact, residential address, and date of birth only. Even, a change in these factors will not hamper your CIBILTM score.  


  • Your postponed utility bills:  If you have any utility bills like house tax, electricity bills, and mobile phone bills, they won't affect your CIBILTM  score. But, it might hamper other personal factors since defaulting on your bills is not good in general.


  • Checking your CIBIL™ score Repeatedly: Checking your CIBILTM score again and again does not affect it. In fact, you must check the score and the CIBILTM report once in 2 or 3 months to keep track of what factors are bringing down your score. In most cases banks update the CIBILTM score at the end of the final year of the first half year. So, it will be ideal to check it in January or July. You can check your CIBIL TM score online since online does not keep track of the number of checks. What actually affects your score is when you have applied for a loan or a credit card and the financial institution raises a request with one of the bureaus to check your score. This is called a hard inquiry. Frequent hard inquiries can affect your CIBILTM score. 


  • Spouse’s CIBIL™ score: Your spouse’s CIBILTM score will not affect your CIBILTM score unless you are applying for or availed any credit facility jointly. In this case, the CIBILTM score of your spouse has an impact on the eligibility or the approval. You should jointly apply for a loan only if your spouse’s score is good. 


A CIBILTM score is very important in determining your creditworthiness and it has to be checked regularly in order to rectify the factors that pull it down. Maintaining a good CIBILTM score will help you get easy access to credit like loans and credit cards. 

FAQS  Factors That Do Not Affect Your CIBIL™ score

1:What are the 5 factors that have an impact on your credit score?

The 5 factors that impact your credit score are:

  • Payment history.
  • Length of credit history.
  • Amounts owed.
  • New credit.
  • Credit mix.

2:Does converting into EMI affect CIBILTM score?

No, there will be no negative impact on your CIBILTM score. Conversion in EMIs ensures that your credit card dues are paid off on time every month and in an easier way. This helps to improve or maintain your credit score in the long run.