Your credit score is one of the most crucial factors that determine your creditworthiness. Every time you approach a lender for a loan, the lender checks your credit score to decide whether to sanction the loan or not.

This article shows you how you can get your latest credit score without having to pay a dime. Let's get started.

Overview of Credit Score 

The credit score is a 3-digit number and is a crucial factor in determining your eligibility for a credit card or loan. It is calculated based on your past credits. It's scored out of 900, and higher the number, better is your creditworthiness and financial prudence.

Credit scores in India are offered by four credit bureaus (credit information companies). These credit bureaus are licensed to maintain the financial records of individuals and to generate credit scores and reports based on this data. Individuals can easily access their credit reports online to check their latest credit score.

It’s highly recommended that you check your credit score once every three months. 

Keeping periodic tabs on your credit score is considered a good financial habit. It helps you know where you stand and take corrective steps to get back on track if your score falls too low.

A credit score above 700 is considered good, and ratings above 750-800 are considered excellent.

When you have a high credit score, you're considered a low-risk borrower, improving your chances of securing loans and credit cards at lower interest rates. On the other hand, when your credit score is low, your loan applications may not be approved. Even if approved, you may be charged with a higher interest rate.

What impacts your credit score? 

Positive Effects 

  • On-time repayment of EMIs, credit card bills and other dues 

  • Low credit utilisation ratio (Debt-to-Income ratio)

  • High credit age (the time that has passed since you first got a credit card) 

  • The right balance of secured and unsecured loans

Negative Effects 

  • High credit utilisation 

  • Delayed or missed loan payments 

  • Multiple loan applications within a short time-frame 

  • A large number of unsecured credit accounts

Benefits of Maintaining Good Credit Scores

  • Easy loan approval 

  • Better interests on loans 

  • Ease of getting your preferred credit card

How to improve my credit score? 

Generally, when people see a low number on their credit report, they are disheartened and give up the process altogether. Don't be discouraged if you get a low credit score. With the right steps, you can build your credit score slowly and steadily. Be patient, and remember that it's not possible to boost your credit score overnight.

Instead, work on building your score steadily and gain a stronger hold over your finances. Here are a few steps to improve your credit score:

  • Pay your EMIs, credit card bills, and other dues on time.

  • Do not avail a large number of unsecured loans (limit it to just 1 or 2 at a time).  

  • Maintain the right mix of credit – both secured and unsecured loans.

  • Aim for a low debt-to-income ratio. 

  • Do not exhaust your available credit limit. Just because you have a high credit limit it doesn't mean you have to use it all.

  • Monitor co-signed loans. Your credit score takes a hit if you sign as a guarantor for several loans of others.

  • Finally, check your credit report and credit score periodically to keep track of it. 

Why do you need to check your credit score periodically? 

If you're planning to apply for a loan or avail a credit card, then it's highly recommended that you check your credit score to spot if there are any mistakes. Remember that credit bureaus do not collect the information required for computing your score on their own. Instead, they compile the information provided by various banks, NBFCs, and other financial organisations.

Hence, there may be a chance for error during the process of compiling all this information. Errors in your credit report could lead to the wrong credit score, which, in turn, could cause your loan application to be rejected.

So, it’s highly recommended that you check your credit score periodically, to sort out any mistakes. 

How to check your credit score for free at CreditMantri? 

You can get your credit score for free from CreditMantri in three simple steps. The credit score we generate is powered by Equifax and is trusted by 15+ million customers. Your financial data is secure with us, so you can check your credit score without any apprehensions. 

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Head to and select Free Credit Score 🡪 Free Credit Score. Select “Check Yours for Free Now.” 

  2. Enter your mobile number and then enter the OTP sent to your mobile to proceed. 

  3. Enter information about yourself like email address, date of birth, marital status, pincode and PAN. Once you have entered the required details click on “Get Free Credit Score,” to generate your score. 

That’s it. You’re done and your information will be fetched from the bureau in a few minutes. 

By choosing CreditMantri, you can get your credit score for free within a few minutes. Additionally, you can also get your detailed credit health report in pdf format by paying a nominal fee. 

Besides the credit score, you can also check the loans and insurance offers you’re pre-approved for. 


Your credit score plays a crucial deciding factor in determining whether you're eligible for loans. Additionally, having a high credit score helps you secure loans at comparatively lower interest rates.

Make sure to check your credit score for free periodically using CreditMantri. And, if your credit score is not satisfactory, take the right measures to improve it.