You can improve your credit score in 30 days or less and get credit healthy. Your credit score is the basis on which lenders approve loans and credit cards. So, it is important to check your credit score regularly and also take steps to improve it, if it is down. You can do a  free credit score check and also download your credit report. Subscribe to CreditMantri’s credit improvement services and creditFit program to get adept guidance on how to improve your score. Let us now see some measures for improving the credit score in 30 days. 

Ways to improve  Your Credit Score in 30 Days 

  • Never default on bills - Even defaulting on a single bill or EMI will lead to a dip in credit score. Therefore, if you have any missed payments, make it immediately and you can see your credit score getting back on track. 

  • Get a Credit Card - It is not good to not have a credit history at all. Lenders cannot evaluate your creditworthiness, your financial discipline, your repayment pattern etc. without a credit card. You can create your credit history by obtaining a credit card. By paying your credit card bills properly, you will be able to get a good credit score.  If you are a first-timer, go in for a secured credit card or a cash-backed credit card. A secured or cash-backed credit card is a tool which you obtain against collateral. The collateral is a cash deposit same in value to your cash deposit. 

  • Reduce the credit utilization ratio - One of the best methods to soar your credit score in 30 days is to bring down your credit utilization ratio. Experts suggest a CUR within 30%. Suppose your credit limit is Rs. 10 lakhs, and you want to spike it up fast, then keep yourself from spending above 3 lakhs with your card until your credit score goes up. This way, you will not only improve your score but also end up paying your credit card bills and EMIs on time. 

  • Request to increase your credit limit - Request for a higher credit limit. Getting approved for a higher credit limit indicates that you are financially responsible and helps you improve your credit score quickly. Lenders will easily increase your credit limit if you have been paying your EMIs and bills on time and also have a CUR within 30%. Some lenders even enable you to increase your credit limit online. 

  • Don’t have Multiple Credit Cards/Loans - Having various credit cards and loans could damage your credit score. Lenders will start doubting your repaying abilities and think that you are always in want of credit. They will feel that you can pay your debts on time. Also, if you have multiple credits and are not able to pay some of them, it could potentially damage your credit score. So, always have a gap between the credit you opt for.