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Travel Insurance is a type of insurance policy which gives you risk benefits while you are traveling in and around India. “Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times”. Traveling could teach you life lessons. It could be a getaway with your family or a business trip or solo trip or anything. Some of the most cherished memories are from the times when traveling. When you travel, you come across things that you could never experience at home. You may see beautiful places and landscapes that you never thought existed. You may meet people that are so different from you, your life, and your thinking. Also, may try adventurous stuff that you have never tried before. When you come home from a trip you feel refreshed and energetic. During your trip, you may learn a lot of things that you will want to try at home as well. You may want to assess your new skills and knowledge. Your experiences will give you a lot of motivation and energy.

It is highly recommended purchasing a travel insurance plan in case of any losses or risks that might occur during various trips such as family trips, solo trips, business trips or for studying abroad. Travel insurance is to protect you and your family from any uncertain circumstances while you are away.

Types Of Travel Insurance

You can choose from various coverage to get on the basis of your specific requirement. Travel plans and policy offer covers various possible emergency situations during travelling.

1. International Travel Insurance

International travel insurance provides protection from numerous incidents for overseas travellers during international travel. It provides nearly all kinds of coverage for baggage and travel delays, medical expenses overseas, hijacks, repatriations/evacuation to India, and loss of travel documents/passport besides the usual coverage.

2. Domestic Travel Insurance

Domestic travel insurance is for customers who are travelling within the country borders. It provides coverage for permanent disability and death, medical emergencies, travel delay, personal liability and checked-in lost or stolen baggage. The eligibility is generally between 18 to 65 years and varies from plan to plan. Any person, travelling in India or working with a permit in India can also buy this type of insurance. Domestic Travel Insurance comes packed with the assurance that you won't have to spend anything for hospitalization expenses and medical treatment in order to manage and cope with unforeseen hassles. With this guarantee, comes a feeling of security peace of mind, especially when you're travelling to an exotic domestic travel destination.

3. Student Travel Insurance

Student Travel Insurance is a travel policy just for students travelling abroad on a student visa to pursue higher studies. The plan covers students who are going to colleges, universities or institutes in a foreign country for academic or professional courses. There is only such minimum paperwork involved in student plans. The coverage is dealing with all elements and provides for expenses incurred on passport loss, medical treatment, and study interruptions.

4. Medical Travel Insurance

Medical travel insurance is a short-term travel insurance plan formulated to cover specifically the health care and medical expenses incurred such as medical emergency and evacuation etc. when an individual travels overseas. The exact inclusions and exclusions depend upon the insurance provider from whom the medical travel insurance plan is purchased.

5. Group Travel Insurance

Group travel insurance is a type of travel insurance policy that covers a group of people who are not related to each other by family and are travelling to a faraway place together. This group of people could be members of an association, who are going on an international trip to participate in an activity or business venture or anything. A group travel insurance policy in such a case saves tons of money on the premium.

6. Family Travel Insurance

A family travel insurance plan is an insurance policy that insures the entire family of the insured individual from travel-related emergencies. The family refers to two adults aged below 60 and two children aged below 21. If any of the children cross the age limit of 21 then it is suggested to get a different policy for each one. This plan covers hospitalization charges, baggage loss, and other incidental expenses. The claim payment is easy with minimal paperwork involved.

7. Senior Citizen Travel Insurance

Senior citizen travel insurance is for those who belong to the age group of 61-70 years. It is a travel medical insurance policy aimed at senior citizens to mark their travel as an amazing impression. It includes coverage for cashless hospitalization and dental treatments besides the usual benefits associated with travel insurance.

8. Single Trip Travel Insurance

The single trip travel insurance policy provides coverage for the duration of a single trip. It takes care of medical expenses and non-medical expenses during travel including coverage for loss of checked-in baggage.

9. Multi-Trip Travel Insurance

This type of travel insurance policy is a type of travel insurance providing extended coverage mostly for a year, specially drafted for people who go on multiple trips so that they don't have to apply for insurance all the time they travel.

10. Corporate Travel Insurance

Under this travel insurance policy, employees of an organization can get covered for both domestic trips and international.

Key Features of Travel Insurance

Purchasing a travel insurance policy is essential but also beneficial. It is all about providing travellers with an ideal cover against emergencies and unfortunate situations. There are certain key features which one should look out for while choosing in on a plan.

Medical Emergency & Hospitalization - What if you met with an accident during your trip or a medical emergency strikes all of a sudden? It's your travel policy that bears the expenses, including hospitalization or medical treatment for bodily injuries, ambulance fees, etc.

Compensation for Flight Related Issues - A travel insurance policy provides you with compensation in certain cases, including flight delay or cancellation. This is usually covered in the case of travelling abroad. You will be provided with accommodation during the waiting period.

Legal Liability And Expenses - Travel policies provide coverage for legal liabilities and corresponding legal expenses whatsoever, in addition to coverage in terms of medical and accommodation expenses.

Travel And Accommodation - Any emergency causing trip delay or termination is usually covered by travel plans. In the meanwhile, expenses arising out of hotel accommodation, in-between transportation, air ambulance (if required due to a medical emergency), etc. all these are settled under the coverage of your travel insurance policy.

Travel Insurance

Key Benefits of Travel Insurance

Over the past time, travel has become an important part of our lives. Be it for business, leisure, or pursuing higher education overseas, a large number of individuals travel regularly. With this increase in frequency, the risks associated with travelling have also increased. Hence, it is crucial to be aware of everything related to your trip. All that information will come in super handy if you find yourself in unforeseen situations while you are abroad.

To know why you should buy travel insurance, take a look below. It will help you avoid any confusion whenever any emergency knocks on your door.

It is Compulsory in Some Countries - In some countries, such as the US, it is important for a traveller to have a travel insurance cover; else they won’t be able to enter the geographical boundaries of the country. Also, in some countries, healthcare costs are so expensive that it is an amazing deal for individuals when they choose a travel insurance plan.

Cover Against All the Health Emergencies - While unexpected events can occur anytime and anywhere, a possibility of it being a medical emergency is more likely. Most probably, your health insurance plan will cease to exist the moment you step out of the country. At the time of buying travel insurance, make sure you opt for wider coverage. In a foreign country like the US, the treatment of even a minor wound will cost you a lot.

Dental Emergencies - Even while travelling, the risk of losing a tooth in a nasty fall is as much as when you are at home. As this cannot wait for your return home, you will have to seek immediate medical intervention. As dental expenses (and the associated pain) can truly kill your vibe, travel insurance plans tend to cover such expenses. At least, your pocket wouldn’t hurt.

Protection in Remote Areas - If the location you are visiting is remote; chances are that the medical facilities might be inadequate. If you meet with an accident or suddenly fall sick, you might need to be airlifted to a hospital. If you don’t have any insurance coverage, the incurred airlifting expenses would cost you an arm and a leg.

Financial Security - A travel insurance plan keeps travel-related stress at bay by offering financial safety and security when you are abroad. In case you get injured, fall sick, or get stranded at your destination, the travel policy will be able to provide for any emergency accommodation till the time it is safe for you to fly back home.

Claim against Flight Cancellation or Rescheduled Flight Fees - When you are ready to embark on your trip to a location of your choice, cancelled/rescheduled flights can be really annoying. It drastically lowers your enthusiasm and excitement levels even before the trip begins. Technical issues, adverse weather, strikes etc. could be a hurdle and you could miss your connecting flight because of that. Buying a travel insurance plan provides coverage against flight delays/cancellations as well as baggage delay/loss even before your trip actually begins.

Protection for the Entire Family - While you globetrot with your family, travel insurance will offer you adequate insurance coverage. Travel insurance becomes highly important when you travel with kids because they are more susceptible to injuries and illnesses. Dependent children of up to 21 years of age with no pre-existing condition can be covered in a family travel plan while travelling with their parents.

Compensation for Lost or Stolen Baggage - During a trip, the worst thing that could happen is losing your baggage or any personal items. Tourists are a soft target for local thieves, hence, stolen luggage is a common problem faced by them. While travelling abroad, if your luggage gets lost or is stolen, the replacement cost would be too much. Firstly, you would have to shell out money from your pocket for a duplicate passport and a copy of the required travel documents. Then, you would need fresh clothes and toiletries. A travel insurance plan would offer much-needed support in the hour of need by providing reimbursement for such expenses.

Emergency Assistance - Disasters can happen without a preamble. In the event of a natural disaster, an act of terror, or an airline strike, no one, not even the airline, will help you. Your travel insurance will rescue you in such troubling times. From finding an alternate mode of transport to reimbursing any non-refundable payments, your insurer will look out for you.

Personal Liability Coverage - While travelling, if you are involved in an accident that causes personal injury or damage to somebody’s property, the travel insurance plan comes to your rescue.

Get cashless hospitalization - Travel insurance also covers medical emergencies, it is wise as well as highly recommended to collect your E-cards from your insurer before traveling in and around India. All Insurance companies have their agencies in different countries to settle various kinds of claims whenever required. But you need to register yourself with the given number in your E-card in order to be eligible to avail any such advantage in any abroad country when you need it. Yet you can avail cashless hospitalization at a system hospital only, which means you should be hospitalized during the treatment only.

How to choose the best travel insurance plan?

When you plan for a vacation with your family or friends, you most certainly think of adventure, fun, entertainment or new experiences. But you often neglect the unfortunate possibilities such as sudden illness, accidents, or medical emergencies. Here are a few essential points you could consider while purchasing a travel insurance policy for you and your loved ones.

Affordability - Costs has its own significance when it comes to selecting a travel plan. Minimum premiums are convenient to pay with no financial stress, and they make travel policies affordable.

Company’s Credibility - Company's goodwill says a lot about the company's reliability. Trust is an important factor to be considered while selecting an insurance provider. It ensures that the insurer will fulfil its promise(s) on time.

Destination - Your destination decides the premium that you have to pay. Countries where healthcare is expensive, the premium for the coverage will also be higher for obvious reasons.

Hassle-free - There are so many policies available in the insurance market. What makes you finalize a plan is its convenience. Buying a travel insurance policy should be easy and hassle-free.

Purpose of the Travel - If your trip revolves around adventure activities, then it is preferable to opt for a special plan, as it would provide you with adequate coverage. But If your trip is a leisure one and it includes sightseeing and trying out different cuisines, then basic travel insurance plan would be sufficient for you.

Duration of The Travel - The premium is directly comparable to the duration of your journey. You will have to pay a higher premium for a longer duration. Frequent flyers are recommended to go for annual multi-trip plans, as it is economical.

Sum Insured - The premium depends on the sum insured. If the sum insured is high, then the cost of the policy will also be high and vice-versa.

Age Limit - Premium for a travel insurance plan for a 25 years old person would be different from the premium for a 45 years old person. Senior citizens can select a plan(s) that provide coverage for senior citizens, which include pre-existing illness. The premium will be increased as the cover increases.

Claim Settlement Percentage - It determines the number of claims that have been settled by the insurance company. The percentage has a lot to tell about the company's settlements. Claim settlement percentage gives an advantage to the company over its competitors.

Coverage - Having add-ons or not having add-ons determines your premium. The advantage of having add-ons is that it widens the umbrella of your coverage, which is good.

Solvency Ratio - The solvency ratio determines the steadiness and the fiscal goodwill of the insurance provider. It depicts the insurers' ability to generate business without becoming bankrupt.

The Inclusions of a Travel Insurance Plan:

The coverage offered by a travel plan varies from one insurer to another. The sum assured and coverage depends on the various add-ons selected and opted plan. Here are the inclusions that come with various travel plans:

International Travel Plans Inclusions :

The key inclusions of International Travel Insurance Policies are listed below:

  • Emergency medical expulsion
  • Flight delays
  • Repatriation of the corpse
  • Missed connected flight
  • Emergency medical charges
  • Permanent total disability benefit
  • Baggage loss
  • Accidental death benefit
  • Hospital cash
  • unforeseen dental charges
  • Loss of personal documents
  • Personal liability benefit
  • Uncertain event’s travel benefit
  • Mishap and political risk and evacuation
  • Financial emergency assistance
  • Return of the minor child
  • Delay/ loss of checked-in baggage
  • Hijack discomfort allowance
  • Compassionate family visit

Student Travel Plans Inclusions:

Following are the inclusions of Student Travel Insurance:

  • Emergency dental treatment expenses
  • Accidental death benefit
  • Permanent disability benefit
  • Compassionate family visit
  • Medical screening or tests
  • Delay or loss of checked-in baggage
  • Personal liability benefit
  • Passport loss
  • Study interruption
  • Bail bond
  • Emergency medical charges
  • Psychological coverage
  • Protection of sponsor

Family Travel Insurance Plans Inclusions:

Here’s a list of inclusions of Family Travel Insurance Plans:

  • Medical evacuation expenses
  • Hospital cash allowance
  • Passport loss
  • Emergency medical charges
  • Baggage loss
  • Personal documents loss
  • Personal liability coverage
  • Emergency cash benefit
  • Trip delays/curtailment
  • Delay/loss of checked-in baggage
  • Personal accident benefit
  • Home burglary coverage
  • Emergency healthcare charges
  • Emergency dental treatment charges
  • Flight accident insurance
  • Golfer hole-in-one coverage

Corporate Travel Insurance Plans Inclusions:

Below are the key inclusions of Corporate Travel Insurance Policies:

  • Personal accident coverage
  • Hospital cash allowance
  • Baggage loss
  • Home burglary coverage
  • Delay or loss of checked-in baggage
  • Personal liability coverage
  • Personal documents loss
  • Passport loss
  • Emergency medical evacuation
  • Emergency dental treatment charges
  • Trip delays or curtailment
  • Emergency cash benefit
  • Flight accident insurance
  • Golfer hole-in-one coverage

Senior Citizen Travel Insurance Plans Inclusions:

Listed below are the Senior Citizen Travel Insurance Inclusions:

  • Personal accident coverage
  • Accidental death and dismemberment insurance
  • Delay or loss of checked-in baggage
  • Baggage loss
  • Trip delays/ curtailment
  • Emergency dental treatment charges
  • Personal documents loss
  • Passport loss
  • Personal liability coverage
  • Emergency cash benefit
  • Home burglary coverage
  • Golfer hole-in-one
  • Hospital cash allowance
  • Medical evacuation coverage

Senior Citizen Travel Insurance Plans Inclusions:

Here are the inclusions for Schengen Travel Insurance that come with various travel plans:

  • If the whole trip is interrupted or cancelled without your fault.
  • If the policyholder has to be evacuated right away
  • A medical contingency caused due to illness or accident while travelling in a Schengen country.
  • Expenses incurred due to international funeral
  • Repatriation of the corpse
  • Being robbed of the important possessions
  • Benefits of injury, disability (permanent or temporary) or accidental demise caused due to it.
  • In case you damage or lose your baggage, essential travel papers, and personal belongings.
  • In case of delayed baggage for over 12 hours after you check-in, then the necessary items including clothes, toiletries, etc. will be replaced.
  • In case your trip gets delayed due to bad weather
  • In case a minor needs to be returned to her/his home country.
  • In case of missed connections due to slip up on schedule
  • Hijack distress

Points that are omitted or optional in most of the Schengen Travel Insurance Policies

The following things are omitted or optional in most of the Schengen Travel Insurance Policies:

  • The stern onset of pre-existing medical conditions even though the doctor assures that they can be under control.
  • Adventurous sports with some risk including river rafting, paragliding, bungee jumping, etc.
  • Almost all the travel insurance providers offer already designed covers; however, you can get customized riders by paying an extra premium.
  • Travelling to countries that are listed as high-risk nations due to terrorism, national emergency, war, corruption, etc.

The Exclusions of a Travel Insurance Plan:

Listed below are the most common travel insurance policy exclusions:

  • Pre-existing ailments leading to hospitalization
  • Expenses incurred due to local protests/civil unrest
  • Flights/trains missed due to local breakouts or civil war
  • Damage/loss of keys
  • Baggage delay that is less than 24 hours

The exclusions differ from one policy to another. It is recommended to compare quotations of travel plans online using travel plans comparison feature and choose the best travel policy with minimum exclusions.

Additional Expense Coverage

The best feature of any insurance plan is the additional benefits. An individual can opt for any add-on according to his requirement and drive the benefits from it. It can be opted for by the insured in case he/she needs an extra layer of protection. These additional covers can be purchased by paying an extra premium amount to the insurance company.

On the basis of the below conditions, anyone can purchase additional coverage:

  • Coverage for travel to destinations where chances for war is high
  • Pre-existing illnesses
  • High-risk or adventure sports activities
  • Third-party supplier insolvency
  • Enhanced Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) cover

Travel Insurance: Eligibility Criteria

Mentioned below are the eligibility criteria for purchasing travel insurance plans.

Family Travel Insurance Plans - These travel policies provides coverage to 2 adults up to 60 years of age and 2 children up to 21 years of age. If one of the children are above the age of 21 then it is wise to get separate plans. You can also enjoy floater benefits on this plan.

Senior Citizen Travel Insurance Plans - Elderly individuals up to 85 years of age don't have to do any medical check-ups to purchase a senior citizen travel plan.

Student Travel Insurance Plans - Generally, most of the travel plans provides coverage to students between 16 and 40 years of age who've enrolled themselves in an institution abroad for their higher education. Only existing Indian students who are at a foreign university qualify to buy a student travel plan.

Schengen Travel Insurance Plans - Adults up to the age of 70 years and infants older than 90 days are eligible to get Schengen travel insurance coverage. But their objective of travel should be either business or tourism.

Why do you need a travel insurance policy?

There might come a point in your travel plan where you could meet with an unfortunate situation or injure yourself. To handle such situations, especially in a foreign country, it has become essential for an individual or group to buy a travel insurance plan. Travel insurance gives you financial security from medical expenses, hijack, loss of any potential item, etc.

Essential Reasons On Why Travel Insurance Is A Must:

  • Compensation for flight delays, trip delays, etc.
  • Compensation of expenses with regards to trip termination
  • Hospitalization, medical treatments, and accommodation for medical emergencies.
  • You can customize your plans according to your destination.
  • Coverage for accidental death, emergency reunion, personal liabilities, travel delays, dental treatments, legal expenses, and repatriation.
  • 24hours customer service support to policyholders and assistance for loss of documents, accidents, etc.

How to calculate premium for a travel insurance policy?

Travel policy offers protection from unforeseen contingencies during travel such as a medical emergency (travel health insurance), loss of passport, loss of checked-in baggage, trip cancellation etc., allowing a pleasant, worry-free travel experience. But how much does it cost? What is the premium for a travel policy and how to calculate accordingly?

Internet-based online tools such as a travel insurance premium calculator gives you an approximate idea of the cost of the travel policy. It provides an indefinite figure when required particulars are keyed in helping one budget for a trip.

One has to provide destination details. It has several options under this section - whether one is travelling to Europe/Schengen country or US/Canada etc. One is also required to mention whether insurance is required for a single trip or multiple trips. Details of the number of travellers for whom insurance is required and tentative travel dates are to be given. Then it asks for personal details of travellers like their date of birth, gender, city of origin, annual family income, etc.

Finally, after providing with all these details, the travel insurance premium calculator displays the approximate premium amount that one will have to pay for a travel policy for the desired destination and travel dates. It also helps in travel plan comparison and providing the best travel policy from a number of insurance providers.

Claims Settlement Process for Travel Insurance Policy

It is important to get all potential travel insurance cover before commencing travel. One should always prefer for features that will likely cover travel-related contingencies clearly defined for one's travel. This will prevent disappointment later when filing for a travel insurance claim.

Always carry the main policy document when travelling. It is advisable to have photocopies of the documents handy in case one loses the original copy. Keeping a PDF soft copy of the document is also a good idea. One can store it online, in an email, on a pen drive or computer or on the mobile phone.

Documents Required To Get Travel Insurance:

  • In case of an emergency during travel, one should call or drop a message to the travel insurer to understand the claims process including supporting documents required specific to one's case. The insurer's contact number - customer care number (generally a toll-free number) and email address are always clearly mentioned on the policy document. It may be even required to call the contact number of their international partner if travelling abroad.
  • You are supposed to send related documents of the policy to the insurer through email, post or fax.
  • Relevant documents like a passport with immigration stamp, claim form, a copy of the policy, original bills and receipts, police report (if applicable), personal identity proof should be kept handy.
  • Upon submission of the claim including all required documentation and proof, it is assessed by a surveyor appointed by the insurance company and processed accordingly.

Compare Travel Insurance Online

Varies sites provide you with a quick and reliable online platform to compare travel insurance quotes offered by leading general insurance companies in India. You can easily view and compare travel insurance premium with assured assistance in uncertain situations, such as flight delay or cancellation, loss of complete or some of checked-in baggage, etc. Compare travel insurance online and enjoy benefits like:

  • Easy travel plan comparison.
  • Get quick quotations for travel insurance policies online.
  • Easy and chaos free search for plans that suits your best requirement.
  • Travel plan comparison and assess to features and benefits of various plans side by side.
  • Save money and time.
  • Buy hassle-free and instantly.
  • Guaranteed safety and peace of mind.

Why is it essential to compare multiple travel insurance plans?

Travel insurance plans offer coverage for most of the emergency crisis during travelling. Different insurance companies form their own best travel insurance plans on certain guidelines. Those guidelines could vary from one plan to another. You must compare the available travel insurance, as this would help you understand if the features and benefits of your chosen travel insurance plan align well enough with your requirements and preferences. If you compare travel insurance policies, you would get the best travel insurance plan that is not only budget friendly but at the same time also provides adequate coverage for loss of baggage, trip delays, or even personal accident. It is good to have several quotations, their advantages, terms and conditions. It can help you compare, shortlist and decide on the best travel insurance policy that is suitable for you. Once you complete your comparison you can then buy travel insurance online.

Main Points To Consider Before You Compare Travel Plans

You should compare travel insurance plans to make sure you enjoy your trip to the fullest. Here are the main points to consider before comparing travel insurance plans:

  • Pre-existing Medical Conditions: Check the terms that each insurance provider has about pre-existing conditions.
  • Limits on Trip Duration: If you are traveling abroad, you should be sure of how many days you will be travelling. Because that’s one of the main factors you have to look into while comparing plans. If you exceed the predetermined limit even a single day, it could invalidate your insurance plan.
  • Levels of Cover: Figure out what your needs are and how much cover would serve the purpose of purchasing travel insurance.
  • Adventurous and sportive holiday: If you are an adrenaline-junkie and engaging in risky sports or activities during your trip is what you planned for, get covered for that as well.
  • Personal belongings: If you are negligent, your insurer could refuse to compensate upfront. Most policies only cover theft or accidental loss of cash if you were pick-pocketed or it was sneaked from your safe deposit locker in your room.
  • Flight cancellations: You are all set to fly on a dream journey, but due to illness your trip is cancelled. Your travel insurance can cover your cancellation expenses.
  • Missed flight: It may not be your fault if you miss a flight, but ensure your insurer covers you for a new flight.
  • Exclusions: Sometimes certain destinations could be excluded from your policy. Compare policies to check if they cover destinations that you would most likely be your weekend getaway.
  • Additional benefits: Make your travel insurance policy more appealing by adding extra benefits such as easy approval, free support, free cover for children, hassle-free claim process.

How to choose the best travel insurance plan?

Comparison of travel insurance online is very convenient. In the process to buy the best plan according to your requirements you should

  • Research a little about the background of the insurance company
  • Assess your requirements
  • Understand which type of policy would be suitable for you
  • Compare the features and benefits of all plans using the parameters mentioned above
  • Figure out your ideal travel insurance plan

After you have finally made up your mind to buy one of the travel plans, you can easily buy that online in a few steps.

Popular Travel Insurance Plans

1: SBI Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - 6 months to 70 years

b. Medical check-up - Not required

c. Inclusions - Accidental cover up to 10% of the coverage limit or Rs. 25,000, Personal liability cover up to 50% of the coverage limit Rs.2,00,000, Loss of passport, checked baggage, cover against hijack, etc.

d.Exclusions - Claim filed by an individual who is part of the Military, Air Force, or Navy. Any claim arising in relation to a nuclear or civil war, or when traveling via an aircraft not licensed to carry passengers. Loss or injuries arising from mountain climbing, racing, or any professional sports. Claims arising from any of the criminal acts.

2. Religare Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - Up to 70 years.

b. Medical check-up - Not required.

c. Inclusions - Emergency hospitalization expense cover including IPD and OPD expenses

  • Double sum insured for accidental hospitalization
  • Pre-existing illness cover after 48 months
  • Common Carrier Accidental Death
  • Repatriation of Mortal Remains

Non-medical Benefits

  • Compassionate visit
  • Covers loss of important documents such as a passport
  • Trip delay/cancellation or interruption
  • Emergency medical evacuation
  • Upgradation of air tickets to business class
  • Loss of Checked-in Baggage
  • Personal liability cover

d. Exclusions - No claim is accepted during 30 days waiting period, except accidental claim. Injuries arising out of adventurous activities. No maternity-related emergency is covered. Claim arising out of the war, warlike situation, nuclear weapons, civil war, etc. Intentional injuries like suicide, attempt to suicide, etc. Claim for specific illnesses will be covered after 2 years of the waiting period. Dental treatment or surgery. cost of spectacles and contact lenses or hearing aids etc.

3. TATA AIG Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - Up to 70 years

b. Medical check-up - Not required

c. Inclusions - Accidental Death or Dismemberment. Delay or Loss of baggage, Personal liability, passport loss, hijack cash benefit, or trip delay or cancellation.

d. Exclusions - Travelling despite physician’s advice or for medical treatment. Claims arising from a pre-existing condition. Attempt to suicide, mental disorder, STD, depression. Claim arising from war, life-threatening sports, etc.

4. Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - Up to 75 years

b. Medical check-up - Not required

c. Inclusions - Hospitalization expenses, loss of baggage, trip delay or cancellation. Emergency cash in a foreign land

d. Exclusions - Attempt to suicide due to mental disorder, drug or alcohol consumption. Treatment other than allopathy, pregnancy or childbirth, miscarriage, abortion. Loss of passport.

5. HDFC ERGO Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - 6 Months to 70 Years

b. Medical Check-up - Not required until you're 70

c. Inclusions - Emergency medical expenses. Dental expenses (if any). Emergency hospital cash. Personal accident coverage. Flight delay, loss of checked baggage, passport. Flight hijack cover

d. Exclusions - Attempt to suicide due to mental disorder, drug or alcohol consumption. Treatment other than allopathy, pregnancy or childbirth, miscarriage, abortion.

6. Bharti AXA Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - 3 Months to 60 Years

b. Medical Check-up - Not required

c. Inclusions - Expenses arising from emergency medical evacuation/death. Personal accident causing death or dismemberment. Loss of passport or other travel documents. Flight delay/loss of checked baggage

d. Exclusions - Any pre-existing medical condition. Expenses arising out of a cosmetic surgery unless due to an accident. Injuries arising from fatal sports activities, viz. bungee jumping, etc. Loss of baggage or passport unless reported within 24 hours of its occurrence. Partial loss of any item within the checked baggage is not covered.

7. Future Generali Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - 6 Months to 71 Years and 71 to 80 Years (Senior Citizen)

b. Medical check-up - Not required

c. Inclusions - Loss of checked baggage. Compensation for a duplicate passport if lost. Personal accident causing death or permanent dismemberment

d. Exclusions - Pre-existing medical conditions. Emergency arising out of the consumption of alcohol or any other intoxicants. Self-inflicted acts causing bodily injuries. Medical emergency arising out of pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, or during childbirth.

8. IFFCO Tokio Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - Not required

b. Medical check-up - Not required until you are 70

c. Inclusions - Health care expenses are covered, including dental treatment, Daily hospital cash, Loss of passport, Personal accident, Personal liability, Loss of baggage and Flight delay.

d. Exclusions - Any existing condition leading to claims after policy commencement. Claim filed by an individual who is part of Military, Air Force, or Navy. Claims arising from riots, terrorist activities etc. Injuries caused indirectly due to radioactive, hazardous, ionizing acts etc.

9. Cholamandalam Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - 3 Months to 80 Years and 61 Years to 70 Years (Senior citizens)

b. Medical check-up - Not required until you’re 65

c. Inclusions - Medical emergency during the trip, Coverage for any illness or injury, loss of checked baggage, Expenses incurred for obtaining a fresh passport, Coverage for hijack distress

d. Exclusions - Pre-existing medical conditions. Injuries caused indirectly due to radioactive, hazardous, ionizing acts etc. Injuries arising out of fatal sports activities.

10. Apollo Munich Travel Insurance:

a. Eligibility - 6 Months to 70 Years

b. Medical check-up - Not required

c. Inclusions - Medical assistance, Loss of checked baggage, Hijack distress, Personal accident causing death or permanent dismemberment, Trip delay or cancellation, Expenses incurred for obtaining a fresh passport

d. Exclusions - The Sole purpose of the journey is to avail medical treatment. Any claim arising in relation to a nuclear or civil war, revolution, invasion, riots, nuclear or radioactive contamination etc. Medical emergency arising out of pregnancy or childbirth, miscarriage, abortion. Injuries arising out of fatal sports activities scuba diving, mountain climbing, parachuting etc.

Few things to keep in mind while buying a travel plan:

  • Covers Flight Delay and Cancellations
  • No Extra Cost for Pre-Existing Diseases
  • Covers for Passport and Baggage Loss
  • Personal Accident and Liability Covered
  • Quick Claim Reimbursement with Cashless Options

Top 10 Best Travel Insurance Plans To Choose From:

CompaniesCategories coveredSpecial FeaturesExceptions
1. TATA AIG Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Family Floater
  • Annual Multi-Trip
  • Student
  • Senior Citizen
  • Emergency cash advance
  • Loss of checked-in baggage
  • 2-way compassionate visit
  • Home burglary coverage
  • Coverage of bail bond
2. Apollo Munich Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Family Floater
  • Annual Multi Trip
  • Emergency cash advance
  • Loss of checked in baggage
  • Trip cancellation and curtailment
  • Coverage of personal liability
  • No specific European/Schengen plan
  • Pre-existing diseases are not covered
3. Bharti Axa Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Family Floater
  • Annual Multi Trip
  • 2-way compassionate visit
  • Specific Schengen plan
  • Emergency cash advance
  • Pre-existing diseases are not covered
4.Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Family Floater
  • Annual Multi-Trip
  • Student
  • Senior Citizen
  • Emergency cash advance
  • Loss of checked-in baggage
  • Home burglary covered
  • 2-way compassionate visit
  • Coverage of bail bond
  • Pre-existing diseases are not covered
5. Royal Sundaram Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Annual Multi-Trip
  • Compassionate visit
6. HDFC Ergo Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Family Floater
  • Student
  • Annual Multi-Trip
  • Loss of checked in baggage
  • Flight delay benefits
  • Study interruption (Student)
  • Treatment of mental and nervous disorders (Student)
  • Pre-existing diseases are not covered
7. Reliance Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Family Floater
  • Annual Multi-Trip
  • Student
  • Senior Citizen
  • Emergency cash advance
  • Loss of checked-in baggage
  • Home burglary covered
  • 2-way compassionate visit
  • Coverage of bail bond
8. Religare Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Family Floater
  • Annual Multi-Trip
  • Student
  • Senior Citizen
  • Emergency cash advance
  • Loss of checked-in baggage
  • Home burglary covered
  • 2-way compassionate visit
  • Coverage of bail bond
9. Star Health Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Flight delay and missed flight benefit
  • Pre-existing diseases are not covered
10. New India Assurance Travel Insurance
  • Individual
  • Student
  • Repatriation of mortal remains
  • Pre-existing diseases are not covered

Frequently Asked Questions: Travel Insurance

1. Why should I buy a travel insurance plan?

Travel insurance gives protection to you and your family in case you fall sick or suffer an injury while travelling. It covers hospital expenses, lost baggage, emergency evacuation bills, flight cancellations and a lot of other costs incurring expenses, which can add up to tens of thousands. Travel insurance provides coverage to deal with unfortunate situations while your trip.

2. What’s not included in a travel insurance cover?

Any insurance company that facilitates travel insurance policy may have different inclusions and exclusions. But the most common items that are not covered by a travel policy are:

  • Pre-exisAny insurance company that facilitates travel insurance policy may have different inclusions and exclusions. But the most common items that are not covered by a travel policy are:ting health conditions
  • Suicide attempt and medical expenses incurred by it.
  • Travelling for treatment purpos
  • Pregnancy and delivery-related complications
  • Damages because of natural calamities that struck beforehand
  • Expenses without proper bills or receipts or any required documents
  • Medical expenses incurred during indulging in any sports activity
  • Exclusions mentioned in the policy.

3. Can you get assistance on your travel insurance plan while abroad?

Yes, emergency financial assistance is given to insured by the insurance company through its service provider. A financial emergency is a situation when a policyholder loses all his/her cash due to theft, robbery or mugging. Under this benefit, the insured is given emergency cash up to the limit mentioned in the policy.

4. What if I forget to carry my insurance policy while travelling?

It is highly recommended to carry your travel insurance policy while you are travelling. Just in case if you forget to carry your documents then even softcopy of your document will do. And even if you don't have the softcopy then you should atleast have the important details of your policy like policy number or customer ID number to avail the benefits of the policy.

5. Can I extend the duration of my travel policy?

Yes, you can extend the duration of your travel policy. Although you have to check with your policy document because the extension is subject to the conditions of the policy. If at all the extension is offered then the insurer will see for factors such as the validity of the original policy. This is indeed done to check claims, duty of disclosure and state of health.

6. How long can I extend my overseas travel policy?

The extension of the policy can be done only once and that too the duration cannot exceed for more than 180 days. The total extension including the number of days of the trip cannot exceed more than 360 days and the premium calculated will vary with extended insurance and needs to be paid before the extension is brought into action.

7. What all documents are required to make a claim?

For claim settlement, you need to fill in the claim form and submit the following documents-

  • Bills, vouchers, Prescriptions, discharge summary, reports, containing the name of the person treated, type of illness or injury, details of medical treatment and date of treatment.
  • For reimbursement of the costs incurred in transporting the mortal remains to India or the cost of burial abroad, it is required to submit an official death certificate along with the doctor’s statement giving the reason of death.
  • The prescription should clearly show medicines prescribed, price and the receipt stamp of the pharmacy. For dental treatment, bills, reports, vouchers must show the details of the area treated and treatment.
  • To claim loss of baggage, a policyholder needs to give proof of the value of possessions he had to the insurer.
  • For reimbursement of expenses incurred in transporting the insured person to India, a medical statement giving the cause of illness and the requirement of transportation should be submitted.
  • Any other document(s) that the company needs to process the claim.For personal liability, proof of judiciary decision given by a court of law.
  • For personal accident, vouchers, bills, discharge summary, reports, death certificate, FIR, Post Mortem Report and other documents as applicable.

8. Is medical check-up required to buy a travel policy?

Typically it depends on the insurance company. You can always consult your insurance company, broker or agent about whether or not you are supposed to take a medical test and submit it to the insurance company. But it is mandatory to go through medical screening for people above the age of 70. If it is required for you to have medical report then you are supposed to submit it to the insurer along with your duly filled proposal form. Also, check the validity period of such reports. Probably medical reports taken three to four weeks prior departure is accepted.

9. Is it mandatory to have student travel insurance?

It is not compulsory in all the countries but countries like the United States, France, Spain, Germany and Italy have made it mandatory to have a proper student travel insurance plan. Even though it may not be compulsory it is safe to consider having a travel insurance plan while in a foreign country for safety measures which will help students in unforeseen conditions like medical emergencies, failure of presence during exams, etc.

10. How to avail cashless hospitalization?

An E-card is given to you by the insurance company at the purchase of a policy. You can register yourself on the numbers mentioned on the E-card to benefit from this facility. Any insurance company will have its authorized agency working abroad who settles all overseas claims. Generally, cashless hospitalization facility is available only for in-patient treatment and not for out-patient treatment.

11. Who are eligible to buy a travel insurance policy?

It depends on the type of plan you buy, but usually, any individual from the age of 3 to 80 can be covered by a travel insurance policy. But it is compulsory that the trip should commence from India.

12. Under what circumstances travel insurance claims will not be approved?

Here are some of the circumstances where your claims are likely to be rejected:

  • Suicide attempts
  • Pre-existing illness
  • Pregnancy and related treatments
  • Travelling against medical advice
  • Treatment that can be delayed until the policyholder returns to India
  • No claims will be approved for loss or delay of baggage containing perishable items
  • An accident occurred while participating in dangerous activities like paragliding, ATV, slacklining, parachuting, rafting, snowboarding, paintball, etc.
  • Claims arising out of unlawful activities.
  • If the policyholder is under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the incident
  • Travel done for the sole purpose of getting treatment for a pre-existing illness
  • Delay due to custom officials
  • A travel document is being confiscated by the custom officials
  • Employer’s liability
  • Disability due to riots, stroke, etc.
  • Feud between travel companions
  • Baggage is delayed on arriving in India

13. Can I cancel my policy?

What if your planned trip gets cancelled and you wish to cancel your travel insurance policy? If you are cancelling before the start date of the policy, you will need to inform the insurer by an electronic mail (e-mail) initiating the cancellation. You will also have to provide the policy number (which will be affected by a nominal charge).

In case, the cancellation is initiated after the policy start date then the insured will need to provide evidence of not having travelled, a copy of passport, the visa rejection letter and reasons for cancellation. For cases where the insured has travelled and there is an early return the cancellation request will have to be made with the policy number. Here, the company will refund premium at rates provided in the policy.

14. How long does it take to pay-out a claim?

On the submission and acceptance of the required documents, it will take approximately 15 working days for the final settlement of the claim. This may vary from plan to plan and depends on which travel insurance plan you have taken.

15. What are the documents required for claim settlement process?

General essential documents that are needed to be submitted to the insurance company for the claim settlement process are:

  • The boarding pass or original ticket
  • Copy of the passport featuring the travel dates
  • Vouchers and original bills
  • Claims relating to medical expenses- original admission and discharge papers, doctor’s consultation notes, hospital bills and medical prescription.

16. What is a TPA?

TPA stands for Third Party Administrator. The most essential service they provide is cashless medical services. They also provide the necessary information to deal with any problem regarding claims.

17. Is the loss of passport covered?

Yes, normally passport is covered under a travel insurance policy. The expense incurred during the process of getting a duplicate or temporary passport is undertaken by the insurance company.

18. Is getting a travel insurance policy a waste of money?

Travel can be accompanied by uncertainties. When nothing happens, you may think of it to be a waste of money. If you purchase travel insurance, you could lose some amount that has been deposited, if your plan gets abolished and you decide to cancel the insurance. Sometimes, you return from your trip a little early and you have to initiate the refund process. Nonetheless, even with these scenarios, you need to understand that there may always be uncertainties during your journey. But, having travel insurance gives you the peace of mind for the fact that your risk is covered aptly. Apart from which travel insurance is a mandate in some of the countries.

19. When is it considered too late for travel insurance?

A travel insurance can be bought even one day before your departure. But also on an early basis, there are certain advantages if you buy your travel policy early (where it is considered necessary to obtain a visa process in certain countries eg. Schengen countries). It is important to have a travel plan to estimate your travel cost, check the potential risks that could take place, decide on the type of cover you would like to buy and purchase the insurance policy.

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