APR stands for "Annual Percentage Rate" and it represents the cost of borrowing money every year, expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed. In the case of a credit card, the APR is the interest rate charged on the balance that is not paid in full each month.

Credit card APR can vary depending on the issuer, the type of card, and the borrower's creditworthiness. The APR can be a fixed rate or a variable rate, meaning it can change based on market conditions.

It's important to note that credit card APRs can also include other fees, such as balance transfer fees, cash advance fees, and late payment fees. Therefore, it's important to understand the terms and conditions of a credit card and the associated APR before applying for or using it.

How is APR on a Credit Card Calculated?

APR can be calculated using the formula below –

Daily Interest Rate * Billing Cycle (in days) * Average Daily Balance = Monthly Interest Charge


  1. Daily Interest Rate = Annual Percentage Rate/Number of days accounted in a year 
  2. Billing Cycle = Number of days between two billing cycles
  3. Average Daily Balance = Average of the daily balance in a billing cycle

Types of Credit Card APR

Credit card issuers may offer different types of APRs, depending on the specific terms and conditions of the card.

Here are some of the common types of APRs that may be offered - 

  1. Purchase APR - This is the interest rate charged on purchases made using a credit card. This APR may vary depending on the creditworthiness of the borrower and other factors.
  2. Balance transfer APR - This is the interest rate charged on balances transferred from another credit card to the new credit card. This APR may be lower than the purchase APR, but it may also have a limited promotional period.
  3. Cash advance APR - This is the interest rate charged on cash advances taken using a credit card. This APR is typically higher than the purchase APR and may also include additional fees.
  4. Penalty APR - This is a higher interest rate that may be charged when a borrower fails to make timely payments or exceeds their credit limit. This APR can be significantly higher than the standard APR and may be applied for an extended period.
  5. Introductory APR - This is a promotional APR that may be offered for a limited period, typically for new cardholders. This APR may be lower than the standard APR for purchases or balance transfers, but it will expire after a set period.

Difference Between Fixed APR and Variable APR

Fixed APR -

A fixed APR is an interest rate that remains the same over the life of the loan or credit card. This means that your monthly payments will be the same, and you'll know exactly how much interest you'll pay over the term of the loan. A fixed APR is typically based on the lender's assessment of the borrower's creditworthiness, prevailing market rates, and other factors.

Variable APR -

A variable APR is an interest rate that can change over time, based on a specific index or benchmark rate such as the Prime Lending Rate. The rate may be adjusted periodically, such as every month or every quarter, based on changes in the benchmark rate. This means that your monthly payments may change, making it more difficult to predict exactly how much interest you'll pay over the life of the loan or credit card.

How To Reduce APR for a Credit Card?

Here are some strategies you can use to potentially reduce the APR on your credit card - 

  1. Improve your credit score - A higher credit score is generally associated with lower interest rates. By paying your bills on time, keeping your credit utilization low, and correcting any errors on your credit report, you may be able to improve your credit score and qualify for a lower APR.
  2. Negotiate with your credit card issuer - You can try contacting your credit card issuer and asking them to lower your APR. If you have a good payment history and a strong credit score, they may be willing to work with you to reduce your interest rate.
  3. Consider a balance transfer - If you have a high APR on one credit card, you may be able to transfer your balance to another card with a lower APR. Just be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully and factor in any balance transfer fees.
  4. Pay off your balance in full - If you can pay off your credit card balance in full each month, you won't be charged any interest, which can help you avoid high APRs altogether.
  5. Look for a new credit card - If you're unable to negotiate a lower APR with your current credit card issuer, you may want to consider applying for a new credit card with a lower interest rate. Just be sure to compare the terms and conditions of different cards and understand any fees or other charges associated with the new card.


APR or Annual Percentage Rate for a credit card is the interest rate charged on the balance that is not paid in full each month. The APR could be fixed or variable depending on the borrower’s choice. There are 5 types of APR – Introductory, Balance Transfer, Purchase, Cash Advance, and Penalty. APR can be minimized by paying your dues in full, maintaining a good credit score, considering a balance transfer, etc. It is advisable to use your credit card responsibly to avoid a high APR.

FAQ of What is Credit Card APR?

1:What is APR?

APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate, which is the interest rate charged on loans, credit cards, and other forms of credit, expressed as a percentage of the total amount borrowed. The APR takes into account both the interest rate and any fees or charges associated with the credit.

2:What is the difference between APR and interest rate?

The interest rate is the cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage of the total amount borrowed. The APR, on the other hand, includes not only the interest rate but also any fees or charges associated with the credit. As such, the APR provides a more accurate picture of the total cost of borrowing.

3:How is APR calculated?

APR is calculated by taking the interest rate and adding any fees or charges associated with the credit. The resulting figure is then expressed as a percentage of the total amount borrowed. Different lenders may use different methods for calculating APR, so it's important to read the terms and conditions carefully.

4:What factors affect APR?

The APR for a loan or credit card can be influenced by several factors, including the borrower's credit score, the amount borrowed, the length of the loan or credit term, prevailing market rates, and any fees or charges associated with the credit.

5:What is a good APR?

A good APR depends on the type of credit and the borrower's creditworthiness. For example, a good APR for a mortgage might be in the range of 3-4%, while a good APR for a credit card might be in the range of 13-15%. It's important to compare APRs from different lenders and to read the terms and conditions carefully.

6:Can APR be negotiated?

In some cases, it may be possible to negotiate a lower APR with a lender or credit card issuer, especially if the borrower has a strong credit score and a good payment history. However, there is no guarantee that a lender will agree to lower the APR.

7:Can APR change over time?

Yes, APR can change over time, especially if the credit has a variable interest rate. Changes in prevailing market rates or benchmark rates can also affect the APR. It's important to read the terms and conditions carefully to understand how and when the APR can change.