710 is considered a good credit score. It can get you a home loan. But the risk ratio will be a bit higher and you would end up with a higher interest rate. 

750 and above is the ideal credit score and you should strive to achieve this. A credit score of 750 and above can get you the best loans and credit cards. You will be given the lowest interest rates and the best terms on your home loan. 

Home loan is a long term commitment and you need to be sure that you are getting the best terms. Or else, you will end up paying a lot of money towards the interest component of your loan. In order to avoid this, a high credit score is your own best bet. 

It is pretty easy to achieve a high credit score.

Here are a few simple steps for you to follow - 

  1. Pay your bills on time and in full.
  2. Strive to improve your credit report by paying off old bills and repairing damaged credit.
  3. Maintain a healthy credit utilization ratio of 30% or less
  4. Improve your credit mix by having a mix of credit cards, loans and installment loans.
  5. Review your credit report once a year to check for inaccuracies and get them duly fixed

It is impossible to achieve a perfect credit score, but it is not impossible to achieve a credit score of 750 and above. A high credit score is a vital factor in getting the best deals on car loans, mortgages, credit cards, and more.

By making a budget and sticking to it, you can have the financial stability you need to take your next step.