Buying products on Flipkart using IDFC easy buy card is super easy. IDFC’s partnership with Flipkart makes it easy for shoppers to complete their purchase in just a few clicks. You could also select to pay in EMI which makes it even more convenient.

Let’s look at the step-by-step process to do it. Login to Flipkart website or mobile app – Add your selected products to cart While checking out, you could choose the IDFC First Bank Easy Buy Card option under “EMI” Select the tenure and complete the transaction. Another way to purchase is via InstaCred. Steps to complete the purchase are as below – Choose the products that you wish to buy and enter the details required like name, address, shipping and billing information While checking out and choosing the payment options, Select InstaCred. You can choose from 3 options – InstaCred Cardless EMI, InstaCred EMI, and InstaCred. You will be directly to the InstaCred confirmation page to complete further details Here, you can choose the tenure and enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number to complete the purchase.  Apply for the latest IDFC Credit Card through Creditmantri. Compare features and benefits before you make a choice. Check them out now!