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Citibank Car Loan Customer Care

Citibank 24*7 customer care number for all enquiries is 1860 210 2484.

Citibank has been one of the most recommended banks for personal banking. It offers a wide range of services from wealth management to investment banking. Loans are also a popular feature offered by Citibank to its customers, namely, personal loan, car loan and commercial loans.

The car loan application process is simple and straightforward with minimal documentation. Apart from offering the services, Citibank also has a dedicated 24*7 customer care service to solve any grievances that the customer might go through or if they need help with a query. The outstanding customer service team works round the clock just to ensure that the customer doesn’t face any issues while availing services from the bank.

Citibank Car Loan Customer Care Number
Citibank 24X7 Car Loan Customer Care Number

Citibank Retail Loans Customer Care

Citibank Car Loan Customer Care

Citibank is a leading global financial services company that has more than 200 million customer accounts. They do business in more than 100 countries and provide consumers, corporations, governments, and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services. They offer services such as consumer banking, investment banking, wealth management, home loans, personal loans, and vehicle loans.

Citibank has been one of the most recommended banks for personal banking. It offers a wide range of services from wealth management to investment banking. Loans are also a popular feature offered by Citibank to its customers, namely, personal loans, vehicle loans, and commercial loans.

How do I get in touch with the Citibank Retail Loans Customer Care?

Citibank has a dedicated 24*7 customer care service to solve any grievances that the customer might go through or if they need help with a query. The outstanding customer service team works round the clock just to ensure that the customer doesn’t face any issues while availing services from the bank.

Via Phone: Call 1860 210 2484 24*7 CitiPhone Number (applicable across India; Local call charges apply; it is operational between 9 AM – 7 PM, Monday – Saturday except on national holidays)

Calling from outside India: +91 22 4955 2484 

City Wise Helpline Number

City24×7 Helpline


0124 2542484


022 28232484


080 22272484


079 26422484


044 28522484


0172 508 2484


079 2642 2484


0141 2372484


033 22832484




0161 501 2484


0522 2201022


1800 180 2484


020 66012484


040 66662484


0261 6532484

CitiHelp Self Help Page

Citibank has designed a self-help page to assist customers with a number of queries regarding their accounts. Customers can access this page using the ‘Citi Help’ button on the top of the bank’s homepage. This page allows customers to conduct various account related operations like ‘Create User ID & PIN’, ‘Change Address’, ‘Update KYC’ and various account related services.

ASK ME Virtual Query Assistant

Customers can go to the ‘Contact Us’ page to access various customer support functions. On this page, customers can access the virtual assistant, which is a repository of FAQs related to Citibank products & services. It is an automated service. Customers can type their questions regarding general product and service in the 'Ask' field to get answers.

Account Login: Customers can log in to their account to send a personalized email to the customer support team.

Write to them at the below addresses: 

Ordinary Post

Citibank N.A.,

P.O. Box No. 4830,

Anna Salai Post Office,

Chennai – 600 002

Registered Post

Citibank N.A.,


9th Floor, New Door No.148,

Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai,


Chennai – 600 004

Citibank Retail Loans Grievance Redressal Mechanism

The timely and effective handling of consumer complaints / concerns is essential to Citi's Responsible Finance principles and its commitment to fair treatment of consumers. Citibank NA, its subsidiaries and affiliates are committed to replying promptly to and addressing consumer complaints / concerns and improving business practices to strengthen customer service and improve risk management.

Customers can access the following channels for grievance redressal

Level 1: Customers can register their query/complaint/grievance through any one of the following channels:

  • 24-Hour CitiPhone
  • Ask Me
  • Through Email
  • Letter Submission Through Citibank Online Inbox
  • Interaction at Branch Banking
  • Citi Managed Social Media
  • Escalation made to Citibank seniors

Within 4 working days of submitting your complaint at Citibank, customers should expect a response from those channels. 

Level 2: Escalation of Customer Complaints

If customers are not satisfied with the response they have received from the above access channels, they can contact the Head- Customer Care explaining the details of the issue concerned through the Contact Us page.

Customers will receive a response within 2 working days of receipt of their complaint at Citibank.

Level 3: Citibank Grievance Redressal Officer (Principal Nodal Officer)

If customers are not satisfied with the response received from the Head Customer Care, they may escalate their concerns to the Principal Nodal Officer (PNO) in the following ways:

  • On the Contact Us page, customers will find the header ‘Information on Nodal Office and Ombudsman’. Clicking on this link will allow customers to directly write an email to the Principal Nodal Officer.
  • Customers can also write a letter to the Principal Nodal Officer at this address:

Principal Nodal Officer,
Citibank N.A., Mail Room,
ACROPOLIS, 9th Floor,
New Door No.148 (Old No.68),
Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore,
Chennai – 600 004.

  • Customers can call 1800 266 2400 (India Toll free) / 022 4955 2400 between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM IST (Monday to Saturday) except on national holidays
  • Customers may also contact the Regional Nodal Officers appointed under the jurisdiction of the respective Banking Ombudsman. Click here for complete contact details of the Nodal Officers/Principal Nodal Officer.

Level 4: Citibank Senior Management

If the customers are still dissatisfied with responses received at any of the above channels, they may write directly to Citibank's Senior Management explaining the details of the issue on the Citibank website through the ‘Contact Us’ page.

Level 5: Reserve Bank of India – Banking Ombudsman Scheme

In case customers are not satisfied with the resolution provided by any of the above channels or individuals appointed by Citibank, they can contact the Banking Ombudsman, a statutory body appointed by the Reserve Bank of India to look into the provision of satisfactory service by banks. A detailed note is made available on Citibank Website ( Customer can refer the same through

Citibank Retail Loans FAQs:

1. What is the operation timings for the customer care number?

The customer care number is operational 24x7.

2. How can I send an email to Citibank Customer Care?

Customers can login to their Citibank account and click on the Your Queries menu and use the Compose Mail option to send an email to customer care.

3. How do I contact Citibank Customer Care while traveling abroad?

Customers from outside India can call this number - +91 22 4955 2484.

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