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PMKVY - Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). This Skill Certification Scheme aims at encouraging a large number of Indian youth to equip themselves with industry-relevant skill training so that they are qualified at securing the right job to support their livelihood. The scheme also assesses and allows experienced individuals for a certification under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). This Training and Assessment under this scheme is free and fully sponsored by the Government. It is currently approved for the years 2016-2020 with a budget allocation of Rs. 12,000 crores.

Key features of PMKVY - Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

  • The scheme will be implemented through the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).
  • National Occupational Standards (NOS) outlays the required Training programmes and qualification packs are developed in various sectors of skills specifically for these training programmes.
  • Various Sector Skill Councils (SSC) are created with participation of Industries to create these qualification plans and quality plans.
  • The scheme has a target to train 1 crore Indian youth through the years 2016-20.
  • The scheme offers both training support and monetary support as is deemed necessary.
  • Offers monetary rewards for additional motivation. 

The benefits under the PMKVY are offered under the following categories

Short Term Training Guidelines

The Short Term Training imparted at PMKVY Training Centres (TCs) is primarily designed for Indian youth who are either school/college dropouts or unemployed.

Objective of the Short Term Training Scheme

  • The chief objective of this scheme is to enable and mobilize a large number of youth to take up industry designed quality skill training and become employable and earn a livelihood.
  • Train the existing workforce to increase productivity and align skill training with the actual needs of the country.
  • This scheme aims at standardisation of the Certification process and establishes a foundation for a registry of skills.

Key Features of the Scheme

  • The training aims at providing training according to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF).
  • Training Centres (TCs) shall also impart training in Soft Skills, Entrepreneurship, Financial and Digital Literacy.
  • The training usually ranges between 150 and 300 hours, based on the job role. 
  • Candidates shall be provided placement assistance by Training Partners (TPs), upon successful completion of their assessment
  • The Training Partner (TP) shall receive Payouts as per the Common Norms. 
  • Training imparted under the Short Term Training component of the Scheme shall be NSQF Level 5 and below.
  • This Scheme shall be implemented through Public-Private and Public-Public partnerships
  • The TPs shall use the model curriculum and content for the respective Qualification Packs (QPs) developed by SSCs and approved by NSDC
  • Assessment Agencies (AAs) will be empanelled by the SSCs or the successor National Board for Skill Certification (NBSC).
  • Post placement support would be provided to the candidates to enable the newly skilled persons to settle into their new jobs/vocations, at a nominal rate

Recognition of Prior Learning

This scheme is aimed at individuals with prior learning experience or skills. These individuals are assessed under the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) component of the Scheme.

Objectives of the RPL Scheme: 

  • The scheme chiefly aims at regularizing the competencies of the un-regulated workforce of the country to meet the standardized National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF)
  • It also looks to enhance the career/employability opportunities of an individual as well as provide alternative routes to higher education
  • The scheme also aims to provide opportunities for reducing inequalities based on privileging certain forms of knowledge over others

Key features of the RPL Scheme: 

RPL shall be undertaken by Project Implementing Agencies (PIA) through any of the three project types laid down in the guidelines

PIAs shall chiefly comprise of Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) or any other agencies designated by MSDE/NSDC. Assessment Agencies (AAs) are not permitted to be PIAs under RPL.

All RPL candidates shall undergo a 5-step RPL process

  • Mobilisation
  • Counselling and Pre-Screening
  • Orientation
  • Final Assessment 
  • Certification and Payout

Table of Pass Percentage for a QP basis NSQF Level

Upon successful completion of the training, candidates will be provided a Skill Certificate/mark sheet/payout in accordance to their eligibility

NSQF Level

Pass Percentage required

1, 2, 3


4 & above


Special Projects

Special Projects are certain projects that deviate from the actual definition of short term training under PMKVY guidelines. These special training projects can be initiated either by Government Institutions of Central and State Government(s), Autonomous bodies, Statutory bodies, or any other equivalent body or corporates, which desires or intends to have fresh training of their candidates.

Objectives of the Special Projects Scheme:

  • This scheme caters to trainings required in special areas and premises of Government bodies, Corporates / Industry bodies
  • This scheme encourages certain trainings in special job roles not defined under the available Qualification Packs (QPs) or National Occupation Standards (NOSs)

Key features of the Special Projects Training

  • PIA needs to follow the curriculum prescribed by the respective SSCs for the specific job role selected for training.
  • The PIA will coordinate with SSCs or affiliated TPs to provide relevant training to eligible candidates in accordance with the relevant QP or the approved job role.
  • Soft skills, digital literacy, financial literacy and entrepreneurship module are mandatory with all training packs
  • The assessments will be conducted by the empanelled Assessment Agencies (AAs), identified by respective SSC or the successor National Board for Skill Certification (NBSC). Assessments criteria are specific to the job roles
  • Upon successful completion of the training, the candidates receive a certificate from the respective SSC or the successor NBSC.

Kaushal and Rozgar Mela

Kaushal and Rozgar Melas are conducted by Training Partners every six months to mobilize participation from aspiring and eligible candidates for the PMKVY schemes. It is usually conducted in the presence of press/media coverage to increase mobilization. The Training Partners are also required to participate actively in National Career Service Melas and on-ground activities.

Objectives of the Kaushal and Rozgar Mela

  • The primary objective is to spread awareness about PMKVY to the community at large.
  • These melas also identify suitable beneficiaries in accordance with the Scheme guidelines.
  • They offer counsel to these identified candidates and enrol them under the courses best matched with their aptitude.
  • Combine the benefits of PMKVY with other national missions, such as Jan Dhan, to facilitate universal financial inclusion and other flagship programs for Entrepreneurship, Start-up India etc.

Key features of Kaushal and Rozgar Mela

  • The scheme aims to spread information about the PMKVY scheme
  • The scheme usually uses the following channels –  Mass Media: Radio, Television, Newspapers, Billboards, Mobile Phones Small Media: Posters, Flyers, Leaflets, Guidelines, Training materials, Standalone banners, Identification regalia, Kaushal Mela /Mobilisation Camps: Camp-based approach
  • While using Small Media Channels, the Training Partners are required to follow the branding guidelines and ensure consistency of color, fonts, and size, as specified from time to time and as uploaded on the PMKVY website

Placement Guidelines

PMKVY scheme was launched with the ultimate objective of linking the aspects of aptitude, aspiration, and knowledge of the skilled workforce it creates with employment opportunities and demands in the market. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that the Training Centres (TCs) under PMKVY provide placement opportunities to candidates, trained and certified under the Scheme. TPs shall also provide support to entrepreneurship development.

As per PMKVY guidelines, placement means providing wage employment or self-employment to candidates, trained and certified under the scheme. In case of wage employment, candidates shall be placed in jobs that provide wages at least equivalent to or above the minimum wages prescribed in the Minimum Wage Act. Apprenticeship will also be considered as similar to employment for the purpose of this program. Post Placement Support is also provided in order to enable the newly skilled candidates settle into their new jobs/vocations.

Monitoring Guidelines for Training Partners

To ensure that the PMKVY guidelines are adhered to and the best outcome is achieved, the TCs are monitored by NSDC and empanelled Inspection Agencies. They use various methodologies like self-audit reporting, call validations, surprise visits, and monitoring through the Skills Development Management System (SDMS). They make use of the latest technologies to enhance the monitoring capabilities.

Who are eligible to enrol for various training programs under the PMKVY Scheme?

This scheme was launched to benefit the Indian youth and prepare them for various jobs and vocations. The following individuals are eligible to enrol under the PMKVY Training Programmes

  • Unemployed youth or school/college dropouts
  • Aadhaar card and bank account holders
  • Individuals possessing a verifiable alternate ID such as PAN or Voter ID (applicable only for the states of North East region and J&K - Additional IDs may be added from time to time)
  • Any other criteria, as defined by the SSCs for the respective job roles

How do I apply for training under the PMKVY Scheme?

Follow these steps to register for a training under the PMKVY Scheme: 

Step 1: Look for a center

Step 2: Fill up application form on the portal

Step 3: Register for a Skill Developing Training

Step 4: Certification to the successful candidate


1. What is the PMKVY Course?

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). This Skill Certification Scheme aims at encouraging a large number of Indian youth to equip themselves with industry-relevant skill training so that they are adept at securing the right job to support their livelihood.

2. What are the benefits of the PMKVY Scheme?

The chief objective of this scheme is to enable and mobilize a large number of youth to take up industry designed quality skill training and become employable and earn a livelihood. It wants to create a registry of skills. Through this scheme, we can increase the productivity of the skilled individuals which would be used for the nation's development.

3. How do I find a training center offering courses under the PMKVY Scheme?

The registered training center list is available on the official PMKVY website.

4. How many courses are available under the PMKVY Scheme?

Around 160 different courses from various sectors are available under the PMKVY Scheme.

5. What do I get after completing a course under the PMKVY Scheme?

Upon successful completion of a course, candidates receive a completion certificate and placement assistance. They also receive a monetary reward for completing the course successfully.

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