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Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is a major state owned oil and gas company in India. Indian Oil, more popularly known as, Indane Gas is one of the popular LPG gas providers with every second home in our country having an Indane Gas LPG Connection. Indane Gas supplies LPG cylinders to consumers via a huge network of distributors across the country.

A consumer can book a new LPG connection of Indane Gas by directly contacting the authorized distributor. Alternatively, the customer can also book a new Indane Gas connection by any of the following online methods:

  • SMS
  • Online application via ‘Sahaj’
  • IVRS
  • Mobile application ‘IndianOil One’

The Government of India has revised the guidelines for distributorship of LPG in the country. It has now set or framed a unified set of guidelines to be adhered to by all the LPG distributors of Public Sector Oil marketing Companies (OMCs).

The various details pertaining to the distributorship or agency of Indane Gas are mentioned below.

Type of Distributorship Area

The distributorship, according to the new guidelines, has been classified into four categories based on the location or the area of their servicing. Following are the details for the same.

Shehri Vitrak

LPG distributors located in the urban areas and servicing the residents or the customers that are within the Municipal Limits of the city or town or metro city shall be known as Shehri Vitrak

Rurban Vitrak

The LPG distributors located in the urban areas but also providing distribution services in the specified rural areas that are typically located within 15 kms from the municipal limits will be known as Rurban Vitrak

Gramin Vitrak

LPG distributors located and servicing the customers in specified rural areas (typically all villages falling within 15 kms from the location of the LPG distributorship) will be known as Gramin Vitrak

Durgam Kshetriya Vitrak

LPG distributors located and providing services in any of the following Difficult and Special areas will be known as Durgam Kshetriya Vitrak

  • Hilly regions
  • Forests area
  • Tribal inhabited area
  • sparsely populated
  • disturbed area
  • islands
  • Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected areas

Any place where either Gramin or Rurban Vitraks of LPG cannot be set up can be termed as Durgam Kshetriya Vitraks.

Eligibility for Indane Gas Distributorship

The eligibility criteria for the LPG distributorship have been revised by the Government in the year 2016. A person aspiring to be a LPG distributor will have to fulfill all the following criteria to be eligible for the same.

  • The applicant must be a citizen and a resident of India.
  • Minimum educational qualification required for eligibility is having passed minimum 10th standard examination or equivalent from a recognized Board.
  • Such criterion will not be applicable in case of the applicant belonging to Freedom Fighter (FF) category.
  • Minimum age requirement is 21 years and maximum eligible age is 60 years as on the date of advertisement for distributorship.
  • Such criterion will again not be applicable in case of the applicants applying for locations reserved under FF category.
  • The applicant cannot be a family member of the employee of OMC as on date of application.
  • The applicant has to fulfill Multiple Dealership/Distributorship norms.
  • Another important requirement is that the applicant cannot be a signatory to distributorship/dealerships agreement which have been terminated on account of proven cases of malpractices/adulteration.
  • The applicant also has to own a plot of land which is of at least the minimum dimensions for construction of LPG godown as per the guidelines as on the last date of submission of application for distributorship.
  • The applicant may also be the owner of a ready LPG cylinder storage godown as on the last date for submission of application for distributorship.

Application Process for Indane Gas Distributorship

The application for Indane Gas Distributorship can be done only when the company releases an open advertisement for the same in the newspapers. Such advertisement is released upon requirement from the company from time to time. The company will release the advertisements in three daily newspapers. Of these three newspapers, one will have the highest circulation in the state and the other two shall have the highest circulation in the district of the potential location of the distributorship. The applicants can apply for the distributorship in the prescribed manner.

Aspiring applicants can also get the current list of open advertisements stating the requirement for LPG distributorships from the official website of Indane Gas.

The application process for the same is briefly discussed below.

  • The eligible applicants for Shehri Vitrak are required to make an online application.
  • The eligible applicants for the other three categories can submit a downloaded and duly filled application form. The application form is available free of cost on the official websites of the OCMs.
  • The applicants can apply for multiple locations.
  • In case of application for multiple locations, application for each location has to be submitted separately along with the requisite fees for each such location.
  • The applicants are also required to submit only one application for each location and multiple applications for a single location will be treated as one. The fees for the balance application will stand forfeited.

Tenure of the Distributorship

The distributorship for the Indane Gas will be allotted based on a draw from among the eligible applicants for each advertised location. Post allotment, the initial tenure of the distributorship will be for a period of 10 years.

This tenure is renewable for blocks of 5 years based on the performance evaluation of the distributorship. Such evaluation will be conducted by Indane Gas based on its set parameters of the company.

FAQs on Indane Gas Agency

1. What is the minimum age requirement to be eligible for Indane gas distributorship?

The minimum age requirement for distributorship of Indane Gas is 21 years of age.

2. What is the tenure of distributorship of Indane Gas?

The tenure of Indane gas distributorship is for an initial period of 10 years which can be further renewed for blocks of 5 years upon evaluation by Indane Gas.

3. When can a person apply to be a distributor of Indane Gas?

A person can apply for distributorship of Indane gas only after an advertisement is published by the company in three leading newspapers of the state and district of the potential location.

4. What is the minimum educational qualification to be eligible for Indane Gas Distributorship?

The minimum educational qualification to be eligible for Indane gas Distributorship is having passed 10th standard or the equivalent of the same from a recognized Board.

5. Can a person apply for multiple Indane Gas distributorships of different locations?

Yes. A person can apply for multiple Indane Gas distributorships available in different locations provided each such application is separately submitted along with the requisite documents and fees.

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